Help Center / Website Editor

How to reorder sections on a website page

You can rearrange the sections on some pages of your site to change the order in which content appears.

For example, on the home page, you might want the course outline section to be higher up on the page and right below the header.

Select your course on the My Courses screen and navigate to the Website Editor.

Course Website menu
Course Website menu

When the website editor loads, scroll down in the preview frame and find the section you want to move.

Hover your mouse over the section and click the Edit Section button that appears on the left side. See screenshot below.

Edit Section button in the website editor.
Edit Section button in the website editor.

When the left menu opens click the arrow next to Section Layout Template to expand the menu panel.

Then click the Move Section button (pointed out in the screenshot below).

Move section button in section layout menu
Move section button in section layout menu

You can drag sections on the Page Sections Menu to change their display order.

Hover your cursor over the double arrow icon next to a section and drag drop it into the desired order.

The website preview frame will reload with your sections in the updated order.

Drag to reorder sections
Drag to reorder sections

Note how the Header and Footer sections are greyed out in the screenshot above. These sections are fixed in place and can't be moved from the top and bottom of a page respectively.