Help Center / Website Editor

How to change the layout of a website section

Each page of your course website has multiple sections. For example, the homepage has the 8 sections listed below.

  • Header
  • Course Summary
  • Pricing or Call-to-Action
  • Learning Objectives
  • Course Outline
  • Teacher(s) short bio
  • Testimonials
  • Footer

Most sections on a page will have at least 2 layout options available to choose from.

The terms layout and design can sometimes overlap and mean the same thing. However, we'll refer to "layout" as the positioning of content in a section and refer to "design" as the style of the content (colors, fonts, backgrounds, etc).

You can change the layout of a webpage section by choosing a different Layout Template.

Choose a section layout template

Select your course from the My Courses screen and navigate to the Website Editor.

Navigate to the course website editor.
Navigate to the course website editor.

When the Website Editor loads, hover over the desired section to reveal the Edit Section button and click it to open the Design & Layout menu.

For this example we'll change the layout of the course website's homepage header section.

Please note: For some sections the Edit Section button is labeled with the name of the section. However, it will always appear on the left side with vertical text. In this example the button is labeled Header Section (see screenshot below).

If a section has layout choices available you'll the Section Layout Template heading at the top of the Design & Layout menu as shown in the screenshot below.

Homepage header section design and layout options.
Homepage header section design and layout options.

Click the arrow next to Section Layout Template (as pointed out in the screenshot above) to expand and view the layout template choices for the section. The currently selected layout will be checked or highlighted. 

View section layout template choices.
View section layout template choices.

To update the section layout, hover and click one of the alternate options.

Change section layout template.
Change section layout template.

After making your selection the website preview frame will reload and show the updated layout.

Updated header section layout.
Updated header section layout.