Help Center / Course Admin

How to add a new course

Video: How to add a new course

To add a new course to your account, sign-in to your LessonFlyer admin panel and navigate to the My Courses screen.

On the My Courses screen. Click the + Create New Course button.

Create New Course button
Create New Course button

Enter the name of your new course in the dialog box and then click the Add Course button.

Create New Course dialog box
Create New Course dialog box

It will take a few moments for your new course to be saved and initialized. After that you'll be redirected to the Curriculum & Content screen.

By default when adding a new course the system adds a few sections and lessons as placeholders to point you in the right direction and help you get started (shown in the screenshot below).

You can rename these placeholder sections and lessons (or disable them) before you start building your actual course outline.

New course: Placeholder sections and lessons.
New course: Placeholder sections and lessons.