Help Center / Course Admin

How teacher user access and permissions work

When adding a new teacher to your LessonFlyer account you have the option to create a user account for the teacher (a sub-account under your main account).

This allows the teacher to sign-in to the LessonFlyer admin panel and manage their courses and students. They will only be able to see and edit the courses, websites and students assigned to them.

Teacher users will NOT be able to see or edit anything realted to student payments or your LessonFlyer subscription plan.

Add new teacher dialog box.
Add new teacher dialog box.

Teacher users are NOT allowed to create other teachers and they can only edit their own information. 

As shown in the screenshot below. When signed-in as a teacher user the Add Teacher button is disabled and only the teachers own edit icons appear above them.

Teacher user has access to limited features.
Teacher user has access to limited features.

Teacher level users are NOT allowed to add new courses to your account and they can only see the courses which have been assigned to them by an admin user.

My Courses screen when sign-in as teacher user.
My Courses screen when sign-in as teacher user.

When signed-in as a Teacher User the My Account section is only a single screen where the teacher can edit their own info and change their own password.

My Account screen for a Teacher User.
My Account screen for a Teacher User.

Teacher Users can only see and manage students enrolled in the courses assigned to them.

In the screenshot below only 1 course appears in the dropdown because the teacher is only assigned to a single course and can only view students in that course.

Teacher Users can only see students in their own courses.
Teacher Users can only see students in their own courses.

Teacher Users are NOT allowed to add or edit course pricing.

Teacher users can't add or change course pricing.
Teacher users can't add or change course pricing.