Help Center / Selling Courses

Use offer links to show different prices to different visitors

After you've been approved to sell courses you can run multiple offer prices at the same time using tracking links.

Your course website will show its default price when new visitors arrive. However, you can create multiple offers and show specific pricing to visitors who arrive at your website through a tracking link.

Here's a typical example.

Let's say you want to run an email campaign that offers a discounted price for your course. The default price is currently $99.95 but you'd like to offer it for $79.95 to the people on your list.

The first step is to create a discounted price.

Navigate to the Pricing screen for your course, click the + Add Price button and create the new price.

The new (discounted) price is pointed out in the screenshot below. Notice that the original price is still set as the default which is what we want.

Add alternate pricing to your course.
Add alternate pricing to your course.

Click the new price you just created (and pointed out above) to visit its Price Settings screen.

On the Price Settings screen (shown below) you can give your new offer a name. For this example we'll call it: Email Campaign. The offer name helps you identify the price on the course pricing screen in your LessonFlyer admin panel. It's never shown to students.

The Offer Link is also shown below that in the Ways to Trigger this Price section. For this example, it's the link you would copy/paste into your emailer creative before sending the campaign.

The query string parameter in the offer link ?p={offer-id} tells your website to show this price instead of the default price.

Get your offer link that triggers a specific price on the Price Settings screen.
Get your offer link that triggers a specific price on the Price Settings screen.

The offer link shown on the Price Settings screen takes visitors to the home page of your course website.

However, you can send visitors to any page of your site by appending the same query string parameter to the its. For example, to trigger the price and send visitors directly to the registration page you would format the URL:{offer-id}

In case you're wondering. This post is about Offer Links as opposed to Offer Codes which are explained in this help article.

The Cookie Duration setting at the bottom of the Price Settings screen controls how long visitors see the triggered price if they arrive on your site through an offer link or apply an offer code but don't register during their first visit.

For example, if the cookie duration for a specific offer price is set to 30 days and a visitor arrives on your website through an offer link but doesn't register for your course, then returns 29 days later, they will still see the offer link's price instead of the default price. If they arrive 31 days after their initial visit they'll see the default price.

The default setting for Cookie Duration is "Initial visit session only". This typically means the amount of time a visitor has their browser open while viewing the web on a particular day. However, it can vary based on the operating system and type of browser they're using. 

If a visitor arrives on your course website through an offer link where the associated price has been disabled the website will show the default price.