Help Center / Selling Courses

How to issue a refund to a student who purchased a course

This article explains you how to issue a refund to a student who purchased access to one of your courses.

There are two ways to access the refund feature from your LessonFlyer admin panel.

The first way is to find your student in the Students section and click on their name to view their information and course enrollments.

Find your student and click their name to view details.
Find your student and click their name to view details.

After clicking a student's name you'll be taken to the View Student screen where you'll see a table with a list of all payments they have made.

Locate and click on the payment that you'd like to refund to expand and view its details.

Click a payment to view its details and refund button.
Click a payment to view its details and refund button.

When the payment details have loaded click the Issue Refund button to open the refund payment dialog box.

Click the Issue Refund button to open the Refund Payment dialog box.
Click the Issue Refund button to open the Refund Payment dialog box.

You can issue a full or partial refund. The full amount will pre-populate when the dialog box loads but you can change it to a lower amount if you'd like to issue a partial refund.

Then click the Refund button to initiate the refund.

Issue a full or partial refund from the refund payment dialog box.
Issue a full or partial refund from the refund payment dialog box.

After issuing a refund the payment details will reload and show updated totals.

If the payment was fully refunded the Issue Refund button will no longer appear. If a partial refund was issued then you'll still see the button in case you need to refund an additional amount later.

After you initiate a refund, Stripe submits the refund request to your customer's bank or card issuer. Your customer sees the refund as a credit approximately 5-10 business days later, depending upon the bank.

Example of payment details showing a refund was issued.
Example of payment details showing a refund was issued.

Please note: Stripe’s credit card processing fees on the original payment are not returned in case of a refund or disputed charge. A large portion of the underlying cost of payment processing is driven by fees assessed by banks and payment networks (like Visa and Mastercard). These networks set rules about which fees apply for refunded or disputed payments, and in most cases banks and card networks keep the entire upfront cost of a refunded or disputed transaction. This is why you see a negative Net amount earned in the example shown above. Refunds issued more than 3 days after the original payment was made will be withheld from a subsequent payout.

The second way to access the same refund features described above is from the Sales > View Payments screen in your LessonFlyer admin panel.

Navigate to the Sales section, find the payment you'd like to refund and click to load its details.

View Payments screen: Click a payment to view its details and see refund options.
View Payments screen: Click a payment to view its details and see refund options.

After the payment details have loaded click the Issue Refund button to open the Refund Payment dialog box.

As described earlier, you can refund the full amount of the payment or enter a smaller amount to issue a partial refund.

Issue Refund button on the payment details panel.
Issue Refund button on the payment details panel.